Musselwhite, C. (in press). Supporting the practical and emotional process of giving-up driving in later life for those living with dementia. Commentary. International Psychogeriatrics, doi:10.1017/S1041610223000261
Musselwhite, C. (2023). Rurality, sustainability and health. Editorial. Journal of Transport and Health, 28, 101571
Musselwhite, C. (2022). A research agenda on transport and health and public buses: More research on the buses please! Journal of Transport and Health, 24, 101355.
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2015). Environment-person interactions enabling walking in later life. Transport Planning & Technology 38(1), 44-61
Hong, A., Baker, L., Prieto Curiel, R., Duminy, J., Buswala, B., Guan, C. and Ravindranath, D., 2022. Reconciling big data and thick data to advance the new urban science and smart city governance. Journal of Urban Affairs, pp.1-25. – the case study is road traffic collisions
Smith, A.C., Hanna, D. and Jones, S. (2022). Epidemiology and mapping of child road casualties. Archives of Disease in Childhood, Epidemiology and mapping of child road casualties (
Smith, A.C., Hanna, D. and Jones, S. (2021). 866 Epidemiology and mapping of road traffic collisions with child casualties in Wales. Archives of Disease in Childhood,
Mitsakou, C., Adamson, J.P., Doutsi, A., Brunt, H., Jones, S.J., Gowers, A. and Exley, K.S. (2021). Assessing the exposure to air pollution during transport in urban areas – Evidence Review. Journal of Transport and Health, 21, June 2021, 101064.
Books and Book Chapters
Musselwhite, C. (2021). Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population: Improving Pedestrian Mobility for Older People. Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2018). Transportation and promoting physical activity among older people. In S.R.Nyman, A. Barker, T.Haines, K.Horton, C.Musselwhite, G.Peters, C.Victor and J.K. Wolfe (eds). The Handbook of Ageing and Physical Activity Promotion London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 507-526.
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2018). Creating a Convivial Public Realm for an Ageing Population. Being a Pedestrian and the Built Environment, in Charles Musselwhite (ed.) Transport, Travel and Later Life (Transport and Sustainability, Volume 10) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.129 – 137
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2022). Transport and a One Health Approach. Presented to the Public Health Wales Network, online, 7th April.
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2022). The importance of transport and mobility in relation to health and wellbeing in later life. Invited presentation to Clinical Update in Traffic Medicine: Transport as a vector of health and wellbeing, National Office for Traffic Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 24th March.
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2022). Every journey begins as a pedestrian. Invited presentation to the CADR Annual Conference, online. 10th February.
Tekeş, B., Baker, L., (2024). Transport Survey Design for Communities and Grass Roots Groups. Presented to at the THINK Seminar, online, 20th March 2024.
External Articles
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2016). To keep older people active, pedestrian accessibility must improve. The Conversation, October 24th
External Blogs
Musselwhite, C.B.A. (2021). There’s nothing pedestrian about being a pedestrian: Designing spaces to encourage walking in later life. Healthier Lives Opinion and Blog, Emerald Publishing, 15th October.
2022 – February. Podcast. Space, place and an ageing society. With Sophie Yarker. Emerald Podcast Series. (4th February 2022).
2021 – November. Podcast. Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population. 1202 podcast. (22nd November 2021).