Workshops are taking place in Cardiff in June on the 19th and 27th June 2023 (10:00am-12:30pm).
We are recruiting participants who are women or identify as women, who travel to, or within, Cardiff using public transport, and women who do not use public transport in this location because of safety concerns, or concerns relating to harassment. Participants will attend one of the workshops as convenient for 2.5 hours to discuss their journeys, experiences, perceptions of safety and what interventions could be used to improve their safety. You’ll be reimbursed with a voucher worth £40 for your time.
The venue will be Cardiff and Vale College, Dumballs Road, Cardiff CF10 5FE. There will be breaks throughout the workshop and refreshments will be provided.
If you are interested in taking part in the Cardiff workshops, please visit our recruitment survey, where we will ask some questions to find out a bit more about you.
We will then contact you by email to arrange workshop attendance. We will do this on a first-come-first-serve basis and encourage you to register your interest as soon as convenient.
We’ll also be holding a 1.5 hour online workshop for those living outside of Cardiff in rural and small urban locations. There are two time slots available on the 15th June. Please see our Eventbrite for further details and registration:
The workshops will contribute to a project at Aberystwyth University called ‘Gender+ Bus: tackling sexual harassment and violence against women for a gender inclusive public transport service in Wales and the UK’.